What is artificial intelligence? The dictionary defines it as ‘the development of computer systems able to perform tasks normally requiring human intelligence, such as visual perception, speech recognition, decision-making, and translation between languages.
What is machine learning? That is defined as ‘the process of computers changing the way they carry out tasks by learning from new data, without a human being needing to give instructions in the form of a program.
Here on the AIDock blog, we will answer these and many more questions our clients have about machine learning and artificial intelligence. We will also be keeping you up to date with all the latest news from the AIDock team and our various projects. We have a dedicated team of people who will keep the information in this blog section up to date.
We will have information about how you can engage your customers better through the use of AI technology and machine learning, as well as providing tips and examples of the methodology in action.
If you’re looking for the best content in relation to artificial intelligence and machine learning, you’ve come to the right place.